Eileen and Harry Adoption

This fundraiser is closed. We are Eileen and Harry.  The both of us would like to share our story and our journey on this day known as #WORLDADOPTIONDAY.  This day means so much to us because it is a day to celebrate family, raise awareness for adoption, support families in their adoption process and to celebrate the power and beauty of family that is brought together through adoption.   Thank you for taking the time to read our story and we can’t wait for you to join us in our journey to one day meeting our precious child.

We yearned for a baby, we were excited, Eileen’s belly was growing bigger with a child, we saw a heartbeat, we planned how we would tell our family and friends, even discussed names and nurseries.  Family has always been important to us and we’ve always pictured ourselves as being parents. Our desire to start a family and wanting to become parents grew stronger as we went through numerous fertility treatments and tried about every remedy to try and conceive.  Although some were successful, four of our pregnancies ended with miscarriages and we began to lose hope, lose heart and quickly became discouraged.  Why would God be so gracious to us and bless us with such a wonderful miracle, only to be taken away from us in an instant?

During the midst of sadness, we found ourselves pressing more towards God’s love and his mercies.  As each day passed, we would get glimpses of his enduring love and we could feel ourselves being renewed day by day.  We call this hope. Our hope was being restored and we thought to ourselves this is what praying for miracles must look like.  Because in our darkest moments we never thought we could feel joy, still have hope and not be despaired.  But we did and realized that God makes beautiful things out of brokenness and pain, and we are excited to watch this part of our story unfold.

After six years of trying, we’re currently in the process of adopting and we couldn’t be more excited.  We believe adoption to be the most beautiful thing and a wonderful demonstration of God’s love for us.  We can’t wait to provide a loving home and build a family of our own.  We promise to love and care for this child, build memories together and we look forward to the day we can be a forever family and call this baby our own. We’re fully committed to adopting and we know this is the best decision we will ever make.

We’ve been blessed with so many amazing family and friends who have supported us through our journey.  They’ve often asked how they could help or support us.   Nothing would make us happier than to see you wearing a tee that our loving Zoe Family has designed and made in support of this adoption.  We would love to share your photo as part of our child’s journey as well as our child’s story.  Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your love, prayers, encouragement and support.  Will all your love your and support, we know our baby will find us soon.  #eileenandharryadoption