This fundraiser is closed. We will be updating this page soon.This fundraiser is now over but please continue to pray for this adoption. Lord willing, Gavin, Lorraine and Brielle will leave in June to pick up Joylyn. We wanted to thank the Zoe family for the your support and generosity. We are so thankful for you and you have played a role in God's plan for Joylyn's adoption. We will continue to keep you updated through Facebook and our blog.
Note from the owner of Zoe Clothing Co: This is my pastor, Gavin. His family has taught my wife and I so much about how to love God and love others. They are adopting Joylyn, a girl with special needs from China. Overseas adoption is an expensive and difficult process to do on a pastor’s salary. Here is their story:
“Seven years ago, we started the process of adopting a child from China. We knew God was calling us to adopt a child from a country we both had a heart for. What we thought would be a two-year process ended up much longer than we expected. But through this journey, we marvel at God’s goodness and faithfulness during the seven years of waiting, in particular the wonderful opportunity God gave us to adopt our daughter Brielle 3 ½ years ago, here in the US.
In God’s perfect timing, He has given us another precious gift and we hope to be a family of four very soon. Our 2 year old daughter Joylyn is waiting for us in a foster home in China and we will be traveling there shortly to receive her into our family. We can’t wait to bring her home so that we can love her, care for her, call her as our own, and more than anything else, share with her the love of Jesus. Adoption is a beautiful picture of God’s love for us. Before we came to faith, we were spiritual orphans looking for love, but He was the one who came looking for us. Through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to pay for our sins, God has adopted us as His own, calling us by name and calling us His children. What amazing love and what indescribable joy!
We are beyond excited to welcome Joylyn into our family! We are amazed at answered prayers and how God’s story for our family is far better than any story we could have written. We have confident faith that God has a special purpose and plan for both our daughters and we look forward to seeing how God will work in and through their lives. There are not enough words to express how thankful we are for all the prayers, encouragement, and financial support by our family and friends over the years in our adoption journeys. It’s a reminder to us to continually trust that as God leads us to adopt, He will provide.”